Thursday, March 3, 2011

A Brief History of otorhinolaryngology (rpm)

 A Brief History of Otolaryngology
Wang Rongguang Zhengjie Fu
a medical history is actually the history of humanity itself. Prehistoric man, as the disease is God's punishment on the people. Neolithic Age (10000-4000BC) How the human face of various diseases has been impossible to verify, however, unearthed bones found, when the man has to know how to reset a broken bone fixed. In primitive societies, priests, magicians and physicians are often the Trinity, on the years we have collectively referred to as folk medicine traditional medicine. scientific medicine originated in this folk medicine and magic.
one. folk traditional medicine. Since ancient times, vegetables, fruits, plants, and snail juice, urine and bull such as human urine has been used to treat a variety of head and neck diseases.'s remote village in northern Greece, has also instilled the human urinary canal to the treatment of acute otitis media. in western Bohemia, the treatment of nasal catarrh is children in the patient inhaled the hot urine. application of crab juice, swallow charred gray, olive, nettle, garlic, wood sorrel is a folk cure throat and other diseases. In Morocco, local residents gathered March 25 in the rain standby to treat ear, nose diseases. For nose bleeding, treatment of people is even more strange, as the cold water, vinegar or salt spreads in the patient's forehead or hand, foot, with the patient's own blood to write on the patient's forehead to pray of text, or the patient's blood into powder, and then let the patient be snorted, and still others apply a variety of plant or animal products. In India, Mongolia and the Persian legends, or in Rabelais and Moliere works, the ear is seen as the reproductive organs, and that the size of the ear and personality related, and some people think that the size of the nose and a certain relationship between the size of the penis.
II. Egypt, China and Crete period. Around 2700 BC, Egypt into civilization. Many of the famous physician of ancient Egypt, the first one is Sekhet'enanch (about 3500BC), he is said to cure the king of nasal. According to historical records of ancient Egypt, deaf can not open his mouth, for the treatment of nasal catarrh is males women plastic milk mixed with a odiferous, intranasally with this mixture. In ancient Egypt, also referred to deafness and historical hyperacusis and temporal bone fracture related. crushed neck injury in the narrative, referred to the loss of deafness and language. In addition, nasal fracture is also referred to facial disfigurement and nasal bleeding reasons. ancient Egyptian painting seems to be see the scene of tracheotomy. Egyptians produced mummies, they may know nasal anatomy, as well as the nose and skull base and the brain.
around 1750 BC, civilization of Crete (Minoan) peak, Iraq in the Greek island of Crete La Brooklyn Museum, the following exhibits and related Department of Otolaryngology: an ivory statue shows a half side paralysis (2500-2OOOBC), a statue displayed on the left neck mass (1400 - 1100BC), the other laryngeal and tracheal ring statue shows (1400-1100BC).
Chinese medicine also has a long history. Shennong (2737BC) tasted a hundred herbs in the application of ephedrine ephedra is now. far in the Shang dynasty (13th century BC ) Oracle in there years, the Greeks and the development of medicine in India has made tremendous contributions. Greek Hippocrates (Hippocrate) was born in 460 BC, Kos, died in 337 BC or 359 years. the famous You can use the manual reduction within 24-36 hours. In addition, he designed a method of removal of nasal polyps (sponge method). Hippocrates described the epiglottis, pharyngeal diphtheria recorded. Aristotle (284-322BC ) is a famous ancient Greek philosopher, not a doctor, but he studied comparative anatomy and embryology, mentioned in the cochlea, the ear as a sensory organ, taking note of the external auditory canal can be caused by stimulation of cough. Aristotle also referred to the throat and respiratory organs are sound, the trachea from the cartilage.
Hippocratic medicine in Alexandria to flourish, so that once again the center of medical advances transferred to Egypt from Greece, until the Arabs in AD 641-642 was until the conquest. Ptolemaic dynasty of ancient Egypt (Ptolemies) support and help the further development of medicine. was the most famous doctors Herophilus Alexander and Erasistratus (300BC), who described the salivary gland and hyoid and trachea. Unfortunately , a fire in the library of Alexandria to the writings of these two philosophers ashes.
almost in the same period of Greek medicine, Indian medicine shows great progress. 700 BC Indian classical There are many literature records of ENT diseases. India's greatest contribution Otolaryngology is the application of a new cheek or forehead flap nasal reconstruction to do.
IV. Rome, Arab and Byzantine periods. Alexander the Great's dynasty in decline After EGYPTIAN RA is a Roman nobleman named Aulus Cornelius Celsus, in his preparation of a medical encyclopedia (De Medicina) in diseases of the ear and nasal anatomy are described. Celsus first described the tonsil resection, in addition, also describes how to remove foreign bodies from the ear. Aretaeus (AD 80-160) was the ancient one of the most famous doctor, he may be the first person mentioned tracheostomy. Galen (AD 131 - 201) was a famous Roman physician, was born in Asia Minor Pergamos.Galen mentioned ear and the auditory nerve to the brain linked to the external ear to collect sounds, he was the first to be Galen way through diet and laxative treatment of deafness, similar to the cochlea water treatment with diuretics. He recommended opium in the treatment of tinnitus, and may be the first implementation of human mastoid surgery.
the decline of the Roman Empire in 476 AD, medical knowledge from the known as the tonsils, introduced the treatment otorrhea, otalgia and tinnitus approach, noted that congenital deafness is incurable. Another Byzantine editors named Antyllus, his throat incision noticed the value of airway obstruction. < br> before the Renaissance, medicine has been slow, however, the following several Arab physicians such as Rhazes, Avicenna, Abulcasis and Maimonide on later greatly influenced the development of medicine in Europe. Abulcasis (AD 936-1013) in his book Collection of Tasrif . this period the most famous anatomy and the surgeon in France Guyde Chauliac (1300-1367), he considers the basis of the surgical anatomy, he may be the first person otoscope an application is intended to enable the sun to enter the external ear canal Remove foreign body, was the first method of treatment by incision and drainage peritonsillar abscess. Renaissance began in the late 14th century, 200 years after the peak. the greatest artists of this period when the lift reached. Vinci (1452-1519), he aviation, art and made a great contribution to anatomy. Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564) was the first to correctly describe the malleus and incus of the people, he also described the round window, oval window, tympanic tensor, auditory nerve, maxillary, frontal, and sphenoid sinus. This time is another great anatomist Giovanni Philippi Ingrassia (1510-1580), he first described the stapes, also observed that teeth can transfer sound.
Bartolomeus Eustachius (1520-1574) continue to make contributions in the ear anatomy, he correctly described the Eustachian tube. noted that the chorda is a nerve. Gabriel Fallopius (1523-1562) the names of doctors on the Department of Otolaryngology no stranger, he named the cochlea, labyrinth, pharynx fan and attic, describing and naming the trigeminal nerve, chorda tympani nerve, auditory nerve and the Fallopian tubules (the facial nerve canal). Fallopius or a surgeon, he applied snare removal of nasal polyps method still used today.
tracheotomy surgery in the 16th century as a standard .1546 on Antonio Musa Brasavola (1490-1554) was the first real person to complete laryngeal incision. Syphilis is a common disease that era, is caused by saddle nose and soft palate perforation of the main reasons for this, there were a variety of prosthetic devices, and even forming operation came to rebuild the nose and palate defects .15 century, living in Sicily, the family has been applied Branka cheek, forehead and forearm skin do nasal valve reconstruction. They applied the method as a family secret has been kept secret. Gaspar Tagliacozzi (1546-1599) is the Bologna professor of anatomy and surgery, specializes in facial plasty, he introduced after nose reconstruction method is called Italy operative. Ambroise Pare (1510-1590) was the father of foreign scientific method, he recommends the use of false nose, with a rope fixed at the appropriate position.
17 century medicine has developed rapidly during this period one of the famous physician was Thomas Willis (1621-1675). He first discovered conduction deafness hearing in a noisy environment the patient improved but the phenomenon (Webster wrong to listen to). Another science to contribute to the ear are Antonio Valsalva (1665 -1723), he will ear into the outer ear, middle ear, inner ear of three parts, the whole inner ear called the labyrinth. He raised the vestibular scala tympani of the concept of order and a detailed description of the pharynx and uvula muscle, found by dissection case of stapes ankylosis. He introduced the method of blowing Zhang has adopted the eustachian tube, known as the Valsalva method. Morgagni (1682-1771) was an anatomist, who described the throat room, the first time that brain abscess can be complications of otitis media. Cotugno (1736-1822) first discovered the labyrinth filled with liquid. Antonio Scarpa (1747-1832) confirmed that the shape of the membranous labyrinth and the bony labyrinth similar. pharyngeal catheter blow-tensioned drum inventor is not the doctor, 1724 Yi station in Versailles Edme-Gilles Guyot will be a pipe through the mouth, the soft palate back into the pharyngeal opening of the eustachian tube, successfully treated his own deafness.
myringotomy for the treatment of deafness The method is by a London Sir Astley Paston Cooper (1768-1841) recommended. Cooper pointed out that this method is not deaf Balm treatment, advocates do first bone conduction test, as the case of do myringotomy .1649 , Johannes Riolanus The Younger (1577-1657) recommended for the treatment of tinnitus mastoid drilling. until the 18th century, Paris, Jean Louis Petit (1674-1750) was the first successful open mastoidectomy for the treatment of mastoid abscess .1750 years the problem of nasal deformity Quelmaltz .1651 earliest years, Nathaniel Highmore (1613-1685) in his monograph describes the maxillary sinus, recorded a case of suppurative odontogenic maxillary sinusitis, the symptoms ease through the tooth.
17 century, China has specialized ophthalmologists and throat doctor, throat doctor at the famous Mei Zheng Jian (1721-1787), with a throat book .1765 in contribute to the development of science throat people too numerous to mention. Prosper Meniere (1799-1862) published a well-known case report of a girl by the observation of one case of vertigo, Meniere's disease led to the understanding of .1834 years University of Leipzig, Germany professor of anatomy and physiology of Ernst Heinrich Weber (1795-1878) introduced the now named in his tuning fork test. Since then,
Adolf Rinne (1819-1920), Dagoberg Schwabach (1846-1968) and Bing (1891) introduced the name to their tuning fork test .1860 years, Joseph Toynbee (1815-1866) published the describes the stapes ankylosis and cholesteatoma, done myringotomy and mastoid surgery, he introduced the method of blowing Zhang has adopted the eustachian tube, called Toynbee method. Toynbee 5l years old, in order to alleviate the tinnitus, in Steam inhalation of hydrocyanic acid and chloroform, try to do when the Valsalva was killed blowing sheets.
Sir William Robert Wills Wilde (1815-1876) was an outstanding otologist, he designed and milk ear snare sudden inflammation incision, Hermann Schwartz (1837-1900) improved the mastoid surgical approach. Herman Von Helmholtz (1821-1894) in his book raised a piano or resonance theory of hearing. Marquis Alfonso Corti (1822-1888) described the organ of Corti.
Adam politzer (1835-1920) is known as the father of modern otology, a former professor at the University of Vienna otology, peaches and plums in Europe and around the world. Politzer anatomy of the ear, otitis media with effusion, cholesteatoma, labyrinthitis, otosclerosis and other research has made great contributions, he introduced the method of blowing Zhang has adopted the eustachian tube, called the wave's wind-tensioned ball. Robert barany (1876-1936) is the Politzer students, because of his physiology of the vestibular apparatus on the results, 1915 was awarded the Nobel Prize. Manuel Paticio Rodriquez Garcia (1805-1906) was a professor of vocal music, he successfully applied to the dentist with a small mirror to see their jets, marking the advent of, and laryngology laryngoscope birth of .1873, the Vienna, Theodor Billroth (1829-1892) completed the first cases of laryngeal carcinoma and implemented by total laryngectomy. London Morel Mackenzie (1837-1892) throat was a famous scientist, was later known as the father of British laryngology. the United States George Walter Caldwell (1866-1918) and Paris, Henri Paul Luc, respectively, describes a method of treatment of maxillary sinus disease is that we now Ke Lu's application procedure.
20 century is the development of otorhinolaryngology golden age. Gluck (1912), Alonso (1947), Ogura (1948) and Som (1953) introduced the method of conservative surgery of laryngeal cancer. radical neck dissection in the treatment of an important means of head and neck cancer in 1906 first reported by the Crile 1941, Hayes Martin to be improved, in 1967 introduced a modified Bocca neck dissection Rethi 1929 introduced the nasal rhinoplasty , introduced in 1931, Joseph rhinoplasty nasal .1943 introduced in Julius Lembert fenestration of lateral semicircular canal .1956 introduced in Shea stapedectomy for the treatment of otosclerosis. tympanoplasty different surgical song by Zollner and Mullstein introduced. William House initiative by the translabyrinthine removal of acoustic neuromas.
20 century, new technologies, new methods are springing up, flourish, such as the treatment of allergic Otolaryngology, nose and paranasal sinuses endoscopic surgery , deltoid pectoral muscle flap and the application of free flap, skull base surgery and the advent of laser surgery, micro-application of hearing aids and cochlear implants, CT, MRI, laboratory methods, ear nerve century Otolaryngology .20 Science has very different past, not only a variety of clinical, research and teaching activities, and created a lot of Otolaryngology and the magazine.
Otorhinolaryngology of the prospects? the future, the Department of Otolaryngology of the work will focus on transferred to the prevention and care, will significantly reduce the number of patients. malignancies can be administered through the blood vessels to kill, realistic images can be done to make surgery a better variety of surgery. Robotic surgery is a new thing, to complete fine operation. The new laser system will help to complete a more subtle operation. for some inherited diseases can be used in gene therapy. Molecular biology of the disease causes, diagnosis and treatment continue to play an important role. In short, the 21st century The Department of Otolaryngology and Future Prospects.
for today and tomorrow in terms of Otolaryngology physicians should know the history of otorhinolaryngology, know what our predecessors did work, it was their hard work, only to make our Otorhinolaryngology subjects to today's situation.

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